Mrs and Mr Edward Shields

H 01529 304586/

M 07891 453498







9:00am -12:00pm aprox.

Level 10,9, County Primary

and Boys


12:30pm-5:30pm aprox.

Level 8 and higher.



















  Sleaford Elite Gymnastics Club

     Organiser Mrs P Shields

What a Great Day!

VIP Becky Downie and VIP UKG President Brian Adams



  Eslaforde Cup 2013

                                          SHEIK HAMAD  Gymnasium

                                      RAF College Cranwell,

                                               Sleaford, Lincolnshire. NG34 8HB 




Eslaford Cup 2013


In 1086 in the Domesday Book, Sleaford is recorded as Eslaforde, Old English meaning "ford over a muddy stream".


We are enormously proud of our local heritage and history, as proud as we are of the gymnasts, parents and volunteers from Sleaford and the surrounding villages, who make Sleaford Elite Gymnastics Club, the success that it is.


We would like to reflect our pride in the town and our members through the national Gymnastics competitions that we will be hosting. In recognition of this, we have named our competitions the Eslaforde Cup.





Becky is a 21 year old British Artistic Gymnast. Having already fulfilled three of her main career goals by competing at the Commonwealth Games, European Championships and Olympic Games - Becky now has her sights set on the 2014 Commonwealth Games and the Rio Olympic Games. 

As one of Britain's best gymnasts Becky has won seven British all-around titles, two Commonwealth Games medals, and was part of the 2010 European GBR Team that took an historic Silver medal. 

Becky still holds the record for being Britain's best ever all-around gymnast at an Olympic Games after finishing in 12th place in Beijing and despite a long year of injury Becky was the reserve for the London 2012 Olympic team. 


Sleaford Elite Gymnastics Club was honoured by the presence of VIPs

Miss Becky Downie and Brian Adams, UKG President at out club competition. 

Thank you so much.

You are a great inspiration to us all.





More photos to come..........







Thank you to all our members that are participating and helping with these event.