SEGC Leadership Academy update 2024 #1.


On behalf of the Leadership Academy I wanted to give all parents a quick update before we get too far into 2024 and lose the opportunity to reflect on a successful last year within our club.

As a Leadership Academy we look not only to develop functional skills of our Academy gymnasts (Training opportunity’s, Leadership responsibilities within the club and influencing future decisions on our core policies), but also through Fund Raising provide an opportunity for them to directly support our club and each other.


At the close of 2023 and with 2 in-house competitions and a managed ‘Tuck Shop’ (Thanks to Will for his previous support here), the Academy raised close to £1000, (no target was set but I believe this achievement should be recognised and applauded for all of our Academy gymnasts involved and to you as parents for supporting them and our club).

All money raised through the Academy goes back into supporting the development of all our gymnasts’s technical and functional skills from identifying British Gymnastics training courses to the purchase or upgrade of training equipment managed as a 'Wish-List' and suggested by them to the Coaching team that they can feel proud of contributing to the ongoing welfare of our club.

We have already purchased a new foam springboard and more recently over the term break some equipment to enhance the more technical skills for bar routines and shaping conditions.

We will also be looking to purchase some better weights for conditioning and some smaller items that can be used during Recreational training and development, and possibly some new mats depending on costs.


To recognise the importance of the Leadership Academy we are currently making an area upstairs to give them a dedicated space to work on projects discussed during their monthly meetings (This is on top of the training hours they do every week) and to have access to British Gymnastics material and training content.

Hopefully more to come on this in my next update.

If you have any questions about our Leadership Academy program or even have some opportunities to support the work they are doing please don’t hesitate to ask me next time you are at the club.


Thank-you Academy, Gymnasts, Parents and Coaches for your support.

Kevin Andrews SEGC CPO (Child Protection Office) Academy Support.